Saturday, April 10, 2010

Contractions, continued

As I said in my last post, I'm contracting more than usual for me. I stayed off my feet. I drank 13 glasses of water. And they keep coming. As of 9:00pm I've contracted: 9:09; 9:11; 9:20; 9:34; 9:55; 10:11; 10:17. I feel a weird pressure, like something pressing down in my pelvic region. But if the standard of my OB is true: a true contraction is not being able to talk through it, then I'm not there. What the heck is this? Does this mean labor is coming soon? They're not five minutes apart for thirty minutes so I won't call in but its weirding me out. This weekend last year I began my miscarriage at my in-laws home. This year my first real eyebrow raising contractions on the very same weekend? I'm still a few days shy of full-term so its not time for this yet. I just wonder what is going on. Anyone else go through this? And 10:29 as I sign off- yet another one!


  1. don't worry, it's probably just braxton hicks, lots of people have them. if it is real labor don't worry about being a few days away from full term, some babies come a little early, sunflower has had lots of time, he is ready!!!

  2. i had lots of practice rounds...and in the end i am so grateful for them because they taught me how the contractions feel in the beginning of labor and gave me the opp to practice my breathing up (breathing in a fast count to 20 while expanding my belly through the contraction)...this helps the thinning and opening phase of labor...

    but i can only imagine the emotions you're feeling to have these contractions coincide with the anniversary of losing your precious speck. please be gentle with yourself...maybe a warm bath or a cup of tea or anything that feels soothing to your body and soul. you've been through a lot in such a short time...naturally, you're feeling it. with much care, l

  3. Thanks Katery, when were you induced btw?

    Lilly, thanks for your reassurance on this, its good to know it happened to others too. . . how close to when you went into actual labor did the practice runs begin?

  4. Well, you know I had tightenings from 16 weeks on, some of which were fairly uncomfortable. And I had very frequent runs from probably 38 weeks on, sometimes coming every 3min for a couple hours in an evening, with nice cervical pressure to go along with it. And then I went to 41+4 weeks before having her after my induction!
    One of the other bloogers I follow had painful contractions frequently for about 2 weeks before she delivered - bad enough that she was losing sleep and had to go in to be assessed a few times, only to be told it was prodromal labour as her cervix wasn't changing at all.
    Good luck!

  5. i was supposed to be induced on february 2nd but i went into labor on my own at about 11pm january 30th, louise was ready to come! she was 2.5 weeks early, my due date was february 17.

  6. I have heard of woman contracting their whole last month!! I wonder if your cervix is starting to ripen?? That would be a good thing ;). Have you lost your mucous plug yet? Labor is different for every woman but your body is actually supposed to labor a little the whole last month.

    No contractions for me. No cramps. No nothing. *sigh* I went 41 weeks with my first son.

  7. Sounds like prodromol labor to me. I had it with both girls and swore I was going into labor both times. When I finally went into labor I had a decent amount of progress with my cervix, so I guess the constant periods of contracting weren't a waste, but it was scary and frustrating. You may not realize you're in early labor when it happens, but when you're really IN labor you will know. All that pressure and contracting will be much worse and you won't want to talk through a contraction. Instead you might just want to hit something or someone (at least I did). When that happens it's likely go time. Hang in there sweetie! ((hugs))
