Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Slice of life in the world of a fertile friend

Friend: You're almost there aren't you?
Me: Yes! I'm 37 weeks and 4 days. 17 days until due date, about 10 days until they might give me an induction date. How many weeks pregnant are you?
Friend: Hm, good question. *pause* I think I'm 24 weeks.
Me: Whoo Hoo! You must be so relieved!
Friend: Why?
Me: You know, 24 weeks!
Friend: *crickets*
Me: Well it means you reached viability!
Friend: Via-what?
Me: At 24 week a baby is considered viable so he has a chance of survival outside the womb.
Friend: So if he came out now he'd be fine? How cool!
Me: Well, no, I mean, you don't want him to come out. . .

I bear no ill will towards my friends for not knowing these things. I'm just amazed she doesn't know. In my little fear filled bubble all these months I know statistics and count down days an weeks like its second nature to me. As automatic as breathing almost. I guess I forgot not all pregnant people are similarly preoccupied! Must. be. nice.


  1. So true K. We tend to count down every moment and landmark every milestone. I guess IF and los did that to us.

  2. I'm truly amazed at tons of stuff real life pregnant women don't seem to know. I guess us bloggers are super informed!

  3. so weird, i wonder what it's like.

  4. Yep. Most are fairly clueless...and some even look at you funny when you quote a week at them...."37 weeks....Um, I mean 9 months". Ohhhhhhhh.

  5. :::palm to face:::

    There's a woman in my office (who is thin to the point of near emaciation) who I once heard asking a co-worker, "So what is 'ovulation' really? I don't get it?" This woman is now 8 months pregnant.

    But Hooray for 37 weeks 4 days! Sunflower may as well be in your arms! =D

  6. Oh, hooray for being so close to holding your baby! That's got to be an amazing feeling. I still have a little over 3 months to go. Best of wishes in the last few weeks or so of your pregnancy!

  7. You are soooo close - I am so excited for you!!!

  8. An acquaintance who got pregnant after some IUIs, told me, in her 4th month of pregnancy, that she was not all that bothered that she had no u/s picture whatsoever from her scans, because she was not connected to whatever was happening in her 'tummy' anyway, it did not even looked as a baby! She first got excited when she felt the baby move.
    We were trying again after the m/c. I have no idea how I managed not to scratch her eyes out. And I was the 'fertile' one in this duo...
    People are people.
    Anywhoo - the countdown gets into single digits tomorrow. You are getting closer and closer. I can't imagine how you feel. ;-)

  9. Just amazing isn't it. I wonder how it would feel to not worry all the time, mark milestones, LOL oh well. Good for her though, I guess. Happy iclw.

  10. All I have to say is WOW!!! I'm with you, how could she not know these things?!?!
    Happy ICLW

  11. I can't imagine being that clueless about pregnancy, or my body. Wow. If nothing else, IF makes us a VERY educated group of women! Happy ICLW :)

  12. IF gives us a whole different perspective, and sometimes, I think a perspective that allows us to be a lot more vigilant, to not take a single second for granted. Exciting that you'll get to meet your baby soon - best of luck for a smooth delivery!
    ~Miriam (ICLW #4)

  13. Happy ICLW! And congrats on being so close to the finish line!

    I am continually astounded at how little most women know about their bodies and about the process of growing a person. If there is one thing to be thankful for IF about, it's the awareness of my own body.

  14. I can't imagine not analyzing every little twinge and twitch of my body. I can't imagine not having a clock ticking in my head that tells me each part of my cycle and if I get pregnant, I'm sure there will be a constant ticker there as well.


  15. Happy ICLW!

    Congrats on your milestone!

  16. Happy ICLW! I'm a newbie so congrats on your pregnancy and upcoming arrival! HOW exciting!! As for your friend, I am NOT preggo YET and would totally be annoyed at their ignorance. so, don't feel bad ;)

  17. K- do you mind emailing me @ erin30mt@yahoo.com so that I can get your email address? I wanted to ask you something but not on blogger.

  18. LOL I'm all the time waiting - waiting for the second trimester, waiting for when baby could be born and hopefully survive (though I wasn't sure if it's 24, 25 or 26 weeks..), now waiting for the 37 week mark (am currently 34 weeks) so she won't be a preemie if she's born early..
    And yes, amazing how they don't even know what week they are!

  19. Wow...blissfully ignorant pregnancy? That would be nice...

  20. It is amazing how little people really know about their bodies unless they have to! This is one thing that I say "thanks, infertility!" about! Seriously, I had to explain OPKs to a friend last night and I was like, "yeah, well you could do the whole temperature thing, but with our jobs and traveling like we do, that's hard to do," and i got the crickets, too. She had never even heard about it.

    :) Wishing you all the best as you approach the end of your pregnancy!!

  21. Happy ICLW!

    I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have that kind of blissful ignorance. Wasn't in the cards for me, though.

    Congrats on making it this far! Hope you can hag in for a bit longer!

  22. Ha. For real! These are things people should know. I'm not 29 weeks (90% survival rate if born today!) and the first thing I thought of at 24 weeks was viability. Must have been all the IF I dealt with first that made me so knowledgeable. :)

  23. haha - that is funny, I can spout off what CD I am, how many DPO and what my LP is with a blink of an eye - my fertile friends stop and count. Congrats on being so close! How exciting!

    ICLW #119

  24. That deserves a V8 drink head smack like the commercials. Must be nice going through life like that. I wonder what she does stress about.



  25. Man, even when I got pregnant naturally, the second time, I was still so paranoid. I drove my friends crazy. They just didn't understand.
