Saturday, February 6, 2010

Damn you Braxton Hicks, I hope

I woke up to the use the bathroom and when I went back to bed I noticed my stomach was hard as a rock. It didn't hurt and after about a minute it softened back up. Then about ten minutes later, again. There is no discernible pattern, no pain, so I'm hoping its just a harmless Braxton Hicks contraction that I read can begin in your 28th week. I've had about five of these contractions in the past two hours. I took a warm shower as recommended, am drinking my fifth glass of water and am about to lie on my side in the hopes that it will ease things. Any of you experiencing this? Because I'm not having menstrual like pain I'm not panicking. Hopefully it will just go away soon.


  1. I had these on and off - I had 8 in one hour and 6 the next a few weeks ago - and I was freaking out - they were just braxton hicks - and hopefully yours will get better with water - chug at least 64 oz - and rest!

  2. I hope it's just b/h. I wish I knew more and could impart some assurance but I defer to the ladies that have been there. I know how scary things have seemed since day 1 and I'm proud of you for not panicking. As educated as you are I have to think that just the fact that you're not too worried is a good sign. Take it easy!

  3. i bet it's just braxton hicks. when i actually went into labor the contractions came with cramping, like menstrual cramps. if i ever had braxton hicks i didn't notice, but i know TONS of people get them, your body's just practicing for real labor.

  4. I'm betting it's nothing serious! Sending hugs your way!

  5. I've been having that sort of thing since 16 weeks! They always asked at the doctor's office about whether I'd had any bleeding or increased discharge. If not, they didn't seem too concerned. I'd have up to 7-8 in an hour occasionally, more often 2-3. Usually lasted 20-30 seconds.
    If you're concerned or they don't settle, don't hesitate to get checked out. Better to be safe than sorry!

  6. I had BH's early in pg, but by the time I was 28w, the babies were born, so I cant help!!! Have you called your OB?
