Friday, January 15, 2010

Houston, we have viability!

I am 24 weeks pregnant. Wow. Just. . . wow. Does this make me six months? I haven't really figured out the month system but Sunflower is viable. Just barely, but now he has a chance and a chance is bigger than anything I could have imagined when I started this journey. Sometimes I catch my breath as I realize this might really happen. To be honest, even though I love my son, I haven't really allowed myself to daydream what it will be like when he's here. Right now that's an abstract concept. As I hit 24 I'm wondering when it will hit me that this is happening.

Viable is awesome but I must remind my son that he's not yet done baking because the way he's been stomping on my cervix I think he wants to come out and play. Last night I rubbed my belly and spoke to him, asking him to please stop, and . . . he did. It was amazing to interact with him, to soothe him. If only I could convince him to kick me in the ribs now instead.

I went to a book club today and one of the girls asked me when are you due? I stared at her, really? I look pregnant? You couldn't wipe that dumb grin off my face. [Hopefully I'll get a belly shot posted soon!]

In another effort to embrace hopefulness I finally got a copy of Baby Bargains to get an idea of what's out there and then promptly proceeded to panic because cribs and the like can apparently take many weeks to ship and the April date I've set to go shopping for things may be too late. Jack is insisting he does not want to baby shop yet so maybe I will start doing a little bit of exploring on my own to see what is out there.

Still having my fearful moments. Still wondering if the twinge or the pull is the beginning of the end but doing a lot better than I was. Kate's advice to make small goals is helping. My new goal is to reach 26 weeks. That's manageable, not quite as scary as waiting for week 40. Though the lab results said I did not have an infection, I'm fairly convinced something funny is going on since it kind of hurts to go to the bathroom and I just feel odd. I have my monthly OB appointment Monday and then I see the MFM on Wednesday so I'm being patient and waiting until then to see what is going on.

In the meantime I'm six times four. I'm 12 plus 12. I'm 24. Twenty Four weeks. And I'm happy.


  1. WOO HOOO!!! Congrats on viability, it's a great feeling, even though we need our kiddos to keep baking.

    I completely relate to the quandry of ordering furniture. The main thing you'll want when you bring the baby home is a changing table. It's much easier on your back than trying to use another surface. Also, I don't know what I would have done without my glider-rocker! That and my Boppy were nursing saviors. You can wait on everything else (you are co-sleeping, right?), but since you might want all the furniture to match, it's kinda like... well, why not just go all in.

    PS I also recommend Dutailier for your glider-rocker, if you get one. You really get what you pay for, and ours has been FAAAABULOUS.

  2. Congratulations on hitting yet another wonderful milestone. Keep hanging in there, so glad that a new miracle reality is settling in your brain and heart. Remember you don't have to get everything ahead of time, our mothers did without 90% of the modern day junk. You guys will do just fine.

  3. Yay for 24 weeks!!!!

    I ordered a Little Castle chair and a half glider from Royal Bambino - it is going to take 9 weeks but they make them to order - I did order it on December 4 so we should be good but yeah, some stuff takes forever!

  4. yea 24 weeks! watch out for those rib kicks, you'll be getting them soon and they do NOT feel good!! i'd say 6 months is about the time it gets hard to hide being pregnant, i'm sure you've got a very cute little belly, pictures soon please! i think i ordered our furniture when i was about 6 or 7 months pregnant and it did take quite a while to get here so don't wait too long.

  5. Yay 24 weeks! So happy you have reached this milestone. I can't imagine getting there myself and you are an inspiration!!

  6. 3 cheers for vialbility!!! That's a huge milestone, and I'm so happy for you!!!

  7. Congrats on 24 weeks! I bet the time will keep on flying by from here on out. I just felt so much better knowing my baby had a chance at 24 weeks, that I was suddenly able to heave a big sigh of relief. And then start looking forward to 26 weeks. :)
    Shortly after 24 weeks was when I started getting baby stuff bit by bit, most after 26 weeks though. My Mum got us our crib, and got us one that was in stock, so it'll be ready for us shortly. I wasn't going to spend $1000 on some fancy thing. She's also getting our crappy IKEA dresser that we're putting a changing pad on top of. And that will be that! I didn't want to get all sorts of coordinating furniture or anything, especially because if we get lucky enough to have one healthy baby and have another later on, they'll be sharing a room. And there's not a heck of a lot more wall space in there to put furniture. The second dresser will just have to go inside a closet.
    Hope you get great news at your appointments next week.

  8. And......EXHALE. =) This is happening, Kate!

    I'm picturing little Sunflower now, with his petals completely unfolded and golden.

  9. Congratulations, this is such a huge milestone! I'm so happy for you. Yes! Post belly pics! It must be amazing to interact with your baby, to feel him moving. They say that's the best part. Of pregnancy, that is. Enjoy every minute.

  10. Yay! I'm so happy for you, and Sunflower! I know you're going to make it all the way to your due date, I have no doubts. I'm so excited for you, and can only hope that I reach that point as well! I have a little over 16 wks to get to that point though!

  11. Happy V-Day! Continue to bake, little Sunflower. Bake for 16 more weeks!!!

  12. Yay! 24 weeks!
    The best advice that someone gave me (which I proceeded to ignore) was to not worry about the nursery and to concentrate on making and freezing meals. Your son (I smiled when I typed that; I can only imagine how YOU feel when you type those words!) won't sleep in his crib for at least the first month or longer. Don't worry about the furniture--just get an idea of what you want but make that your last priority. You're not going to want to put your baby down anyway :)

  13. Congrats on 24 weeks! Woohoo! No matter how you look at it, that's an awesome milestone to have reached. Congrats, congrats, congrats!

  14. HOLY MOLY! Congrats honey, what an awesome milestone. I know it doesn't make everything okay, but hopefully it takes a little weight off your shoulders. ((Hugs))!
