Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Waiting and Wondering

The contractions remain irregular but each one is more painful than the last. Whereas before it was possible to just do something else and take my mind off the pain, now its stopping me in my tracks and honestly, sort of scares me. They average every 18 minutes, sometimes closer. My hope is even if I don't go into full blown labor before its time to go to the hospital tomorrow evening I'll have dilated enough not to need 12 hours of cervadil to ripen my cervix and we can just start the induction. (and this word ripen- its just so weird in the context of my body- I feel like we're trying to turn some avocado into guacamole)

I feel like there's a timer ticking in me- any minute it will beep. Any minute I'll be done baking. Any minute. . . I'm trying to take my mind off it as much as I can. The house is now spotless. I made some food to freeze for later. There is no use being scared because when it comes to labor, there is no way out but through, and Sunflower and I will, God Willing, get through this.


  1. You will get through it!!! I cannot wait for you!

  2. It sounds promising!
    My induction was a sigle prostaglandin gel. Cevidil is also a prostaglandin, so it really does more than just ripen your cervix. It could be all you need to speed things along if this isn't already early labour.

  3. Best of luck to you, K! I'll be wishing you and Sunflower safe passage!

  4. you'll get through it, you're probably dilating which will put you in a much better place than i was in, because even though my water broke and i went into labor on my own my cervix wanted to take it's sweet time.

  5. we used a breast pump to 'organize' my slow labor. Didn't even need the pitocin :).
    Just another idea to add to the mix!

  6. You CAN do this. You WILL get through this. Thinking of you....sounds like this could be it???!
