Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It feels over

I wish I could give a logical reason but today I simply don't feel pregnant anymore. I've not had to wake to pee this time around and today I have no fatigue, no nausea, no emotional hormone feelings-- nothing. Don't you have to wake up and pee when you're pregnant?! I always have. I feel like myself completely and truly. So, it must be over. I'm not crying. I'm not panicking. I am just feeling this way and am certainly sad, slightly frustrated, and wishing that I didn't have to feel this way. I haven't started bleeding so I'll keep hope alive as much as I can but . . . I just don't know at this point.


  1. Ugh. I hate this part--the second-guessing, the fear. Please don't read TOO much into symptoms/lack thereof at this point--you're still so early, and your body/hormonal system has been reset by all the weight loss--remember, that this pregnancy might very well affect you in different ways than previous ones.

    That said, I know how much this place sucks to be. Thinking of you, hoping for the best, and waiting to hear how you're doing. Shall be blog-stalking til you post again.

  2. symptoms are totally unreliable at this stage of the game (except to reliably torture us). any way you could get a beta drawn for peace of mind? or anything else that might help? what will help the most is time passing. i'm wishing that for you, along with reassuring news soon, with all my heart.


  3. Symptoms come and go... they trick us constantly. I think you're not crying or panicking because deep down you know you have no compelling evidence to do so! Hang in there through the torture, A!!!

  4. Hun, I am 32w along and still don't wake up to pee. And it was not so last time. So yeah, new pregnancy, new symptoms. I know how hard it is not to worry, but just know you are not in control and just let it go. I think (without any proof, of course) that everything is fine, but maybe you could get a doctor's appointment or something to check on things? Might be helpful...
    Hang in there!

  5. I know exactly what you mean. I wrote almost this exact same post when I was just 5 or 6 weeks along with my W. I'm always hoping for you. You can get through this scary part!!

  6. C'mon get back on that positive train of thought. I had no manic need to pee with last pregnancy at all and it was fine. This pregnancy symptoms are still pretty much non existant. Perhaps with your history you'll qualify for a scan to reassure you but try not to think the worst.

  7. Just checking in. I know how impossible it is to not read into symptoms (or the lack of them). Thinking of you.
